Katherine Klenda

Clinical Assistant Professorkatie klenda

Client Services and Outreach

BS (2009), Kansas State University
DVM (2011), Kansas State University

Office: L208B Mosier Hall
Phone: (785) 532-4462
Email: klklenda@vet.k-state.edu


  • As the section head of Client Care and Accessioning at the Kansas State Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory
    • Oversee laboratory client communication and laboratory sample reception, processing, and routing to the appropriate KSVDL laboratory sections for requested testing.
  • As a member of the KSVDL Outreach Team
    • Provide small animal consultation services including test selection and result interpretation for clientele and assist with KSVDL veterinarian and animal owner outreach efforts.


  • VDMP902 Diagnostic Medicine: Senior/4th year veterinary student rotation